Poster presentation winners
Donald in action
Amelia passes first round








The Kvitko lab joined many labs from various departments to attend the 2017 Fall Plant Center Retreat at Unicoi State Park, GA in October. Students and faculty attended seminars from invited speakers Gitta Coaker, Brandon Gaut, John Cushman, and Aaron Lorenz. Graduate students and Post Docs also participated in a poster session with over 80 posters in total. Amelia, Shaun, and Donald presented posters at this event and passed the first round of judging. Shaun won third place in the poster competition for graduate students!

The Plant Center Retreat is a great opportunity to socialize with colleagues from various departments and forge interdisciplinary collaborations with the various labs within the Plant Center. Students had an opportunity to hike Anna Ruby Falls and attend socials.

Anna Ruby Falls
Plant Center Retreat Social
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